Pittsburg Fifty Plus Club Corporation

Celebrating 50 Years of Service!


Our MissionTo improve the quality of life during the retirement years by addressing the needs and challenges of the aging population of the City of Pittsburg and surrounding communities.

Carmen Arias     Teresita Monico

Angelica Ayala    Revelia Nobriga

                         Eddie Roberts 

                         Eme Sylvester

                     Linawati Tanudjaja                           Linda Vargas

Monica Ayala      Almetta Vaughn

Linda Carranza

Terrillynn Costa

George Dotson

Rhonda Fields

Linda Jackson

Donna Johnson

Nilda Judilla

Olga Kostina

Lorna Lopez

Lifetime Member - LTM

  February        2025       

Get Well Soon!

Ehu Sako

Janice Semanick

Jeannette Stotts


Mercy Camcam

Jess Segovia

Mary Vigil

Ron Wilborn

Woodie Williams

Jeannette Bradshaw

Curlie Jackson

Nina Longley

Ron Phillips

Lucille Brautigam

Hildelisa Castillo

Our Motto

Committed to apply our Wisdom to show Compassion and Generosity to all members of our Community

Pittsburg Fifty Plus Club Corporation is 501(c)3 non-profit organization, EIN 94-2410900. PO Box 1871, Pittsburg, CA 94565

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