Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) & Definitions

Who is Eligible for the Scholarship?

Every year, the Pittsburg Fifty Plus Club offers three (3) merit scholarships of $1,000 each to graduating high school seniors who are entering a 4-year college or university, a 2-year junior/community college, or a vocational school directly after high school (no gap year).

Two (2) scholarships are intended for deserving students attending any of the high schools in the Pittsburg Unified School District in Pittsburg, California. The remaining scholarship is intended for a deserving student who is a Direct Descendant (i.e., child, grandchild, great-grandchild) of an Eligible Pittsburg Fifty Plus Club Member. The Direct Descendant may be enrolled in any high school in the United States.

How Do Students Qualify?

To qualify for a scholarship, a student must meet ALL of the following criteria (please refer to the Definitions Section for clarification of terms):

    1. Graduating High School Senior during the Application Year
    2. Enrolled in a high school in the Pittsburg Unified School District, Pittsburg, California OR a Direct Descendant enrolled in any high school in the United States
    3. Grade Point Average (GPA): minimum cumulative non-weighted GPA of 2.5 during Grades 9-12
    4. Demonstrated promise of continued academic achievement
    5. Demonstrated need for scholarship assistance
    6. Submit a completed application by the deadline

How Are Students Selected?

Scholarship Recipients are selected by the Scholarship Committee based on educational achievements, community involvement, leadership skills, communication skills, financial need, and the ability to successfully follow the instructions in the application form.

Required Documentation: Curriculum Vitae (CV), Two (2) Essays, Statement of Financial Need, and High School Transcript.

    • CV: In reverse chronological order, highlight your educational achievements, leadership experience, extracurricular activities, community involvement.
    • Essay 1: What has prepared you to succeed after high school and in life? Why do you think you have received adequate preparation?
    • Essay 2: What are your career goals and future plans? And why did you choose those goals/plans?
    • Statement of Financial Need: How do you plan to finance your education?
    • High School Transcript: Your academic performance as recorded by your high school. Submit in the file format given by the Registrar at your high school.

When is the Due Date?

All applications must be timestamped by 5:00 pm on March 31 of the applicant's graduating year. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

How are Scholarship Funds Distributed?

Scholarship Funds are sent -- in two (2) installments of $500 each -- directly to the scholarship recipient's school upon receipt of a completed Verification of Enrollment and Academic Progress (VEAP) form.

      • 1st Disbursement: After registering for classes, upon receipt of completed VEAP Form with accompanying documentation.
      • 2nd Disbursement: After completion of the 1st School Term,  upon receipt of completed VEAP Form with accompanying documentation.


    • Active: Participates or volunteers in at least one club activity/event each year.
    • Application Year: Academic year during which the scholarship application is made.
    • Direct Descendant: Child, grandchild, or great-grandchild of an Eligible Club Member.
    • Eligible Club Member: Pittsburg Fifty Plus Club member is in good standing and active for the minimum number of years as outlined in the Constitution & By-Laws, Article VII, Section 8, Scholarship Committee.
    • Good Standing: Membership dues paid in full. No disciplinary actions.
    • Graduating High School Senior: Currently attends high school in the United States, in the final year of high school and will graduate, or has graduated, during the Application Year.
    • (any) Pittsburg high school: Any of the high schools in the Pittsburg Unified School District in Pittsburg, California.
    • School Term: Semester, Trimester, or Quarter. The division of a school's academic year

Pittsburg Fifty Plus Club Corporation is 501(c)3 non-profit organization, EIN 94-2410900. PO Box 1871, Pittsburg, CA 94565

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